Friday, 6 June 2008

Boycott to Air Berlin

Outrageous. A shame. Unbelievable. And amongst all sad. The president of Air Berlin has written the editorial of the in flight magazine of his airline putting down my language and the language of ten million people, Catalan. The government of Majorca, one of the places where Catalan is spoken, kindly asked him if he could train his workers and adapt his services to include Catalan in the flights leaving or departing from Majorca. His answer has been to discredit and diminish Catalan language saying a bunch of lies like that Spanish language is almost banned from the public life, when everybody knows that the weak language is Catalan. What I wander is, why is this monstrosity of human being mettling in internal affairs which have nothing to do with his business? Maybe is he some kind of German Imperialist wanting to invade Majorca? And, putting myself to his same low level, is maybe an unrecycled Nazi wanting to recover the Third Reich which would include the Balearic Islands as a holiday resort? Each place has its problems and nowhere external intrusion is welcomed. You can see the article (in german) here or in Catalan here.

I shall never take an Air Berlin plane until a formal apology is made and this pillock is fired from the company. I encourage everybody with some dignity to do the same, not take any Air Berlin plane, it doesn't matter if you are Catalan, German, Scottish or French. If you want to communicate with Air Berlin to tell them how you feel about this issue e-mail them. Another option is to use the model given here (in Catalan).

Some related links in the news:
Shame on you mr. Hunold, shame on you.


Anonymous said...

Mr. Hunold is an exampe of linguistic supremacism: some languages are superior to others, the latter not good enough to address customers (Catalan is an official language in parts of Spain, spoken by millions, taught in Universities such as Oxford and Harvard...). Were it a matter of being practical in business, then he might as well give up German and use English only. Mr. Hunold is well known in Germany for his extremist thinking. Using Catalan cannot be such a burden: Ryanair and Easyjet do use Catalan. Well, guess with whom I will be flying for sure, and with whom I will definitely NOT.

Anonymous said...

There are political links between Hunold and the Spanish right wing Partido Popular (PP). During PP's rule Air Berlin was given extremely favourable conditions to use Majorca airport as a hub. Interestingly, power in Majorca has recently changed to a coalition between the socialdemocrat party (PSOE) and left-wing Catalan independentists, who might want to investigate the terms of the agreement.

Anonymous said...

Linguistic supremacy? The entire discussion is starting to become ridiculous since a problem that is at the heart of the entire Spanish society since many years is now being transferred to a German, Mr Hunold, who becomes the punching pag for polemic discussions. If you keep on establishing liasons between the German history and Mr Hunold this only shows off your ignorance. Everyone is free to express his opinion unless he hurts nobody. Final remark, why are the huge Catalan newspapers all written in Castellano? Ask yourself and then understand why it is impossible for a European airline to make announcements in every language being used in a market where it has operations. Why don't we begin to make gaelic announcements in Ireland, or Raetoromanian in Switzerland?? Think twice before you criticize.

Anonymous said...

This is not about free speech in the very least. Herr Hunold does not just "express an opinion",far from it, he makes a mockery of a whole language along with its speakers, some 7 million EU citizens, peppering the lot with a debasing cartoon for good measure. All in the worst "Der Stürmer" tradition so many aging customers of his airline certainly must recognise and duly appreciate. "We lost the war but we are still full of spite since we were racially superior. Now at least we can take some of this anger out on the Catalans because they haven't got their own state to stand up for them".
As another writer said, "Think twice before you criticize", indeed, or even thrice, for that matter, before you make a total ass of yourself.

Anonymous said...

Mr Hunold sólo tenía la valentía de denunciar la vergonzosa política lingüística de Cataluña. Expresó lo que mucha gente está pensando sin ofender a nadie. Lo hizo en forma de un editorial que es, por definición, subjetivo y de actualidad política. Lo que pasa aquí es nada más que polémica destructiva, agresiva y carecente de objectivismo. Ese blog se ha convertido en una plataforma para clichés, prejuicios y del odio para todo que es alemán. Muy regretable. Una alemana que pasó mucho tiempo en Barcelona, EEUU y UK y no tiene la mente cuadrada.

Anonymous said...

Look here "Volksgenossin Gretchen" or however you're called, this is anything but a blog on all-important Germany. Before you work up a panic and start alerting the Gestapo, the Stasi, or whatever you call your "Ungeziefer- und Untermenschenbeauftragter" these days, please make sure you understand the title properly. There are very good dictionaries available on-line and totally free of charge, also English-German. You'll then realise this is exclusively about life in both Catalonia and Scotland.

People can live very fulfilling lives without heving to worry over Germany or the Germans these days, you know. Thankfully for the lot of mankind, Germany hasn't got any nuclear weapons nor will it be allowed to lay hands on them for many, many years to come. That's all we need to know about Germany and its unfortunately still far too many ugly Germans, such as the likes of Gauleiter Hunold.

Anonymous said...

Where does all the hatred come from? Did you forget your brain in the Scottish Highlands? History is surely not your matter :-) Makes me really laugh. Thanks for making my day.

La Gata Ciempiés said...

Para la "alemana que no tiene la mente cuadrada":

No se por qué hablas de la política lingüística de Cataluña porque, por si no te has enterado, el asunto ha comenzado por la petición que le hizo a Air Berlin el Gobierno de las ISLAS BALEARES, ¿estamos?, así que deja tu obsesión por Cataluña a un lado.

Y segundo, no se de dónde te has sacado que este blog está hecho para criticar a Alemania o a los alemanes. El español, sin duda alguna, lo hablas muy bien pero... ¿tú sabes inglés? Bueno, en caso de que no, como parece que es, te diré que este blog trata del día a día, las anécdotas y las opiniones de Un Catalán en Edimburgo ("A Catalan in Edinburgh") y es la PRIMERA VEZ que yo he visto que se hable de algo relacionado con Alemania, así que "menos lobos Caperucita". Que tienes muchos complejos.

Mira, ¿ves que bien?, leyendo este blog hasta aprendes bellísimas expresiones de la lengua de Cervantes. Para que luego te quejes.

La Gata Ciempiés said...

In my opinion, the problem with all this matter is -with the exception of Andorra- that Catalan language hasn't an own State like Dutch, Danish, etc. and sometimes it seems that no respect is needed for that reason. I don't mean independence is the solution (I don't want it!), but it's difficult to fight for a recognition,a status... definitely a place in Europe like the others, when a language is looked just to a second one in a territory.

In Spain as in the rest of Europe we have the luck of having a lot of different languages. That's a huge heritage which we cannot lose. To think that only the big ones are needed is a wrong thinking because that's the reason because of the languages die. We all could learn, speak and use only English for averything because is more useful. But it would be sad.

Cataburgh said...

I would like answer some of the comments. There is a think called irony which usually only intelligent people understand. Knowing that everybody has access to the Internet I didn't use any subtle irony but a very rough one, to avoid misunderstandings. But it seems as I overestimated humankind. Like when I say "putting myself to his same low level" which means that I will use his same dialectic style and manners, even though I do not share them, people read that those are my exact thoughts.

Anyway, I just want to clarify that I have nothing against Germany, I have had strong relationship with the country and its people with more than satisfying results. If people try to read the post carefully they will notice that I never say a word against the country or its citizens, I just only criticize mr. Hunold.

And, even if I did so, which I never will because unlike him I respect other countries, languages and cultures, I would only be doing the same he did. Use my free speech right to say whatever I want.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I am Catalan and I must to say this boycott against Air Berlin is just another sample of the crazy and totalitarian catalan nationalism and its unberable obsession for language. All those who are not agree with pan-national-catalanism are called nazis or fascist at once. That contempt to freedom of speech proves enough who is really the fascist.

What Mr. Hunold has said about "Spanish is banned from the public life" in Catalonia is not a lie, it's the precise true. Now I am living in Madrid because the nationalist pressure in Catalonia is unbearable. Like me, thousands of Catalans are clearing off because the same reason. That's the true shame.

Anonymous said...

cataburg, sorry for not understanding your "irony only intelligent people are to understand":
..."why is this monstrosity of human being mettling in internal affairs" (sounds like nazi terminology to me - oh, it was irony, sorry...too dump to get it...) "And, putting myself to his same low level (sic...!!!), is maybe an unrecycled Nazi wanting to recover the Third Reich which would include the Balearic Islands as a holiday resort?" I'll let viquipèdia speak:
"La ironia és una figura retòrica que consisteix a indicar una idea mitjançant l’expressió, amb entonació significativa, de la idea contrària. Quan la ironia té una intenció molt agressiva, es denomina sarcasme."
Sarcasme segons la "viquipèdia":
El sarcasme és proverbialment descrit com "la manera més baixa de l'humor però la més alta manera d'ingeni". Es una burla malintencionada i descaradament disfressada, ironia forta i cruel amb la que s'ofensa o és maltracta a algú o alguna cosa.
Alguna pregunta més?

ian llorens said...

The key element is that the Balearic government made a very polite and valid request to Air Berlin. Mr Hunold, instead of writing back and explaining their position (it is not economically viable or we will have some prerecorded announcements), made a political statement full of lies, and mocked at all Catalan speaking people.
I was as upset when I read the article in German and the joke in Bavarian as the rounded minded German woman when she saw the references to the way Germans dealt with minorities 70 years ago. Tit for tat.

Anonymous said...

Jawohl, vere does zo much hatred kome from? Ve have given ze vorld zo much Kultur, Blaskapellen und leckere Wurstwaren, and vat do ve get in return? Only spite!

Statthalter Hunold chust tried in vain to help zese vretched Katalanische Untermenschen from zose mizerable islands undertand ze komplexities off modern zivilisation und Kultur. Clean und healthy Tschermans do not like being zerved by swarthy lowly Kreaturen mumbling avay in an unintelligible gobbledygook. It's bad enough zey eat zo much stinkig garlic, let zem speak at least ze language of ze vonderful Spanisches Tausendjähriges Reich

La Gata Ciempiés said...

And? what's the problem?

This is not a discussion nor a forum. These are just commments. You can write in Spanish, Catalan, German or whatever if you want, so please, don't insult.

Guillem said...


Què passa aquí?! Ja s'ha acabat el xou o que??? La cosa prometia!

Detecto que la política està ben viva arreu d'Europa i també veig que tothom n'és campió del món o bé té 3 o 4 màsters en Ciències Polítiques! Ara bé, en el tema respecte ja hi ha qui flaqueja un xic...

Espero no rebre crítiques per expressar-me en català, la llibertat d'expressió és un dret, almenys a Catalunya.

Enhorabona per l'escrit Max, chapeau!

Anonymous said...

The use or not of Catalan language is an economic question. If a private company does not want to spend money in this, it has right.
Another question is the linguistic policy in Catalonia and Balearic islands. Millions of Spaniards and Spanish speakers are suffering this unjust situation. The nationalis fanatacism has arrived to absurd situations, for example, before English, Spanish and Catalan languages were used in the Balearic schools (33% each of them), now the nationalist government has imposed only the Catalan language to be spoken in the schools.

Anonymous said...

Para el últmio anónimo:

Tengo dudas: o bien estás muy mal informado o nos quieres colar una coña de las buenas!

En las escuelas catalanas nadie impone el catalán como idioma único de comunicación, y si realmente crees eso, debe ser que pocas veces has puesto los pies en una escuela o, si lo has hecho, de poco te ha servido. Más realismo y menos demagogía. Abre los ojos y verás la realidad catalana..., muy diferente de la que se quiere ver en distintos sectores.

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Anonymous said...

Think twice before flying Air Berlin. They might steal some items from your baggage.

I was unlucky enough to board a flight AB 8121 on 08.11.11 from Zurich to Berlin. As a result, Air Berlin delayed my baggage for several days and, upon its recovery, I found that two souvenir Swiss Army knives were missing. Of course, they didn’t return or compensate the stolen items. They very reluctantly condescended to answer my emails.

Well, it was a horrible experience. You diligently pay money for their services. In return, they delay your baggage, spoil your holiday and, as a crowning achievement, dispossess you of your belongings.

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